It’s river time in Dominica and children on the island are splashing it! Nope, it’s not National Rivers Month nor is it World Rivers Day. None of the above. It’s simply river time in Dominica and it is your choice of effervescent pools or lazy rivers – naturally.

Then how would I know that, you ask? Well for starters, I live on this amazing island of 365 rivers called Dominica so it is practically always river time here. For the purpose of this piece however, it’s all about summer time, and here, school is out by the last week of June. As they say, history repeats itself so here’s the thing; I grew up near the river and the river is where kids went even on school days – ( I tell you in the following video). Just imagine what happens during the long, long summer holidays in Dominica.
Where are we headed?
Is it going to be much different this year? Well, now and then, the hurricane season puts a damper on things for a wee lil’ bit and also children are more into their online activities these days. (Said in my best Boomer voice). Still, in Dominica, nothing beats a good old trip to the river. The most difficult part of this decision perhaps being: which location and what type of river? You know, as indicated above – some may like the bubbly, some may like the cool.
Now what’s cooking and who’s playing?
With delicious tropical fruit trees lining the streets and riversides as well as the best local delicacies from roadside vendors, snack is almost always guaranteed – with the favorites being mostly mangoes, kenips, bananas and tamarinds at this time of year. The other best meal option is a roast right on the riverside. This consists of a small purchase of saltfish or smoked herrings at one of the village shops and then roasting some tasty bread fruits on the spot. Yummy to all, I dare say! Now who’s playin’?
River time is fun for schools
At the end of the school year, many schools organize class trips. These adventures are at times water based activities at our rivers. It is always heart warming to see the lil’ ones enthusiastically headed to take their swims in our pristine waters. In some cases where children are not immersed in the water, options like boat rides up the Indian River and lakes are popular.

River time is fun for camps and clubs
Then there are the summer day camps, adventure clubs, church youth groups and youth sports clubs who do not shy away from the water. Organizers generally select more manageable, child friendly spots among our many rivers for water based games, roasts, cook outs and other fun activities with the children.
River time is fun for families
The weekend, especially the hot, hot Saturdays, is a popular time for families to head to the river. Some families even still enjoy the occasional laundry day at the river and they make it a family adventure. Sometimes it’s just a lime and so aunts, uncles, parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, godparents, neighbors and friends gather at their river of choice with food, music and games for the children. It’s a vibe and kids love it!
River time is fun while doing chores
Many of our villages in Dominica are farming communities. Farmers and their families in a number of cases have to cross a river or two to get to their holdings. The farmers’ children and their friends sometimes chip in by doing chores on the farms. What’s more fun than in-between or after-chores swims? From an early age these children already know where to swim and where is too deep. They know which pools make for better games and where the closest fruit trees are located. They spend hours on end playing near the rivers, in the water or going upstream catching freshwater creatures.
River time is fun for neighborhood play groups
And then there is this group of river goers that I can’t quite categorize. Ummm, how do I put it? Ok, it’s like a group of young ones, playing away in the neighborhood… It’s like magic, it’s unspoken…would it be telepathy? Their legs, all their legs – find themselves headed to the river. Somehow, one or two have a few coins to buy herrings – the other things will be discovered riverside. And they are gone for what seems like an entire day – They run, they swim, they eat, they splash, they fight, they play, they have fun, they make memories.

Bet you’ve seen them while driving, or maybe when you visit the Nature Island, you’ll see them cutting through small tracks on their way to the river or on their way back home – looking wrinkly and gray from being in the water for way too long. But… I’m confused. What do their parents say? What do the parents do? But did they even….? Ok… I digressed.
River time is fun for visitors
Speaking of visit, our regular visitors are in on the fun. As they discover Dominica, they discover how river time in Dominica can be one of the most wonderful family-friendly activities on the island. Sometimes the river time is intentional and other times, it is through discovery as our hiking trails are entwined seamlessly with our rivers.
Who would pass on splashing in cool, clear crystal water amidst the different shades of green on this mountainous island? Come with the appropriate gear and grab a guide when you arrive. Be prepared to be escorted to one of nature’s most breathtaking sites, ideal for you and your family.

In every case, it is such joy to see children experience nature on a whim, discovering and exploring their favorite watercourse in their communities and across the island and sharing the experience with family and friends of varying generations.
How to protect our rivers in Dominica
So like back then, let’s protect our rivers to ensure that those adventurers, our families, friends, club members, visitors and future generations enjoy river adventures on the Nature Island of the Caribbean. Let’s use biodegradable or reusable items while we picnic at our rivers and let’s teach our children to clean up after themselves by placing litter and trash in garbage cans.

At Funzaggy, we are proud to be Nature Islanders and so we choose our activities with special care as we consider our environment. We focus on long term and durable items as rental units which many families enjoy throughout the years. We make special effort to minimize the purchasing of single and short term use items for fun activities as these easily end up in our rivers and the landfills. Remember, what you may deem as a small action can really make a world of a difference.
What are you doing to conserve our rivers in Dominica? Let us preserve River Time; this top notch family-friendly cultural and recreational activity on our Nature Island.
For more information on other family-friendly recreational activities on island, see Things You and Your kids Will Love About Dominica
Disclaimer: The material and information in this post is intended to be for general information purposes only. Do not rely on this material and information contained within this post, as a basis for making any business, travel or any other decision.
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